Sunday, June 14, 2009


I hate how some people, after they get a boyfriend or girlfriend, they completely block out all other appointments with friends.

Even when friends are having farewell reunions, and you'll probably not see that friend for at least a year or something.

To make matters worse, this happens every time. Until I get sick of it and just give up asking them out altogether. Good grief.

Oh well, had 3 glasses of apricot brandy (finished the remaining stuff in Don's bottle) and it tasted ten million times nicer than the stuff they serve in clubs/bars. I wonder what brand of apricot brandy they use, because sometimes it has a tinge of medicinal taste. But the one I drank last night was just pure sweet heaven.

And then I drove Jie's car back from Kallang to Yishun because he drank too much.

Have a safe trip back to America Colin! You better reply my facebook wall posts, idiot.

Even though people leave, other people come back too. I woke up from Chloe's phone call just now. SHE IS BACK!

and... wait for it.. wait for it.


F*king happy right now. I can't wait to meet her, not only for the Krispy Kreme, but also to see her! We are going to go MADDD this time.

Last time she came, I was like, 17? And I had short hair, and I was geeky.

Now, I am 20 (almost), long hair, and STILL geeky. Awesome.

Ok, but the geeky bit isn't the highlight, the highlight is.. WE CAN DRINK ALCOHOL TOGETHER NOW!

Bringing her to dbl O to get free entry, free flow alcohol, on Wednesday. ;)