I met up with Cindy, Aar, Ghis and Claire for dinner today. And one of our topics was about marriage.
Catching up with old friends, chatting about whether this person is still with that person... and Claire suddenly said that we're getting old. And we are. Oh shit we're turning 20 this year, and Cindy wants to have kids by 24. Latest by 26. And she's still single. Yeah, we laughed at her for quite a while.
I realised that a lot of my friends are planning to get married to their boyfriends/girlfriends now. Wow. I mean, when you're together with someone, sure, you think, yeah ok we'll get married EVENTUALLY right. (When it's serious!) But... NOW? When you're in university? Or they're planning to get married immediately after university. Holy crap.
How do you finance the wedding? How do you finance a place to live? Don't tell me you're going to stay with your parents or in-laws. That, I will NOT do. When I get married, it's a whole new chapter of my life, which I want to start anew.
So, I always assumed that I'd graduate, get a stable job... find (or already found :P ) the right person, settle down, and then maybe at 28 I'd get married? Pregnant soon after? (Ok, not sure about kids bit, I mean, I'd want kids EVENTUALLY but not so soon? Not sure)
What's the rush anyways!
Well, for all you know, a few months down the road, I'd have an entry completely contradicting myself because I'd be happily attached. WHO KNOWS!~
But for my friends who are planning marriage... good luck! And I will sing for your wedding! For free! Ok, as long as I get excuse not to pack such a thick ang pao. HAHA. KIDDING!~