We are in the FTR 3 classroom now! It is very exciting because every computer has two moniters. It is amazingly cool. We were very hyped about it last week, but it kinda died down because of many SAP problems - many of our programs hung.
But this week everything seems to be working fine! Happiness!
Anyway, here are some random thoughts for the day.
Have you ever stared at a pigeon? Well, when you're waiting for people or waiting for time to fly by, just stare at a pigeon.
Notice how a pigeon walks. He bobs his head. What if... a pigeon is sine artist's mascot... is a pigeon. HAHA. Then he can bob his head to the music! How awesome right. Then maybe the pigeon can rap and breakdance too. That's cool man.
Okay, end of randomness. Need to pay attention now!