I am so tired.
Week after week there are so many things on my schedule.
For example, last week my IT Project was due. We rushed it out and met everyday for the entire week. The night before we even stayed until 11.30pm in school. Until we were going crazy and slamming and throwing things. Really annoyed with projects!!
And this week it's a 20% quiz on Friday.
The following Monday I have some Lab quiz. Not looking forward to that. I don't even understand what is happening in the Labs. Am following the instructions blindly. Sigh. Have to figure everything out.
Next week I also have a GST Lecture on Thursday, which means we have to stay back late. And did I mention? Another IT Project (continuation. Urgh) and Accounting Project both due first week of NOVEMBER.
And we haven't started at all. Great!!!
This is not including my twice-a-week giving tuition to primary school kids, and not even THINKING of INCREASING the FREQUENCY because their EXAMS are coming. Oh come on, it's just primary school!! Not getting 250 IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.
I did NOT get above 250 for PSLE. In fact, I did not even get above 230! I still managed to have a great secondary education and went to a JC and now, in a reputable university. You do not NEED so many tuition lessons.
If it were ballet classes or like, squash classes then sure! GO PLAY ALL YOU WANT! You absorb the fastest when you're at a really young age. Train them from young! But they do not need to get A* for everything.
Worst still, scolding and BEATING your kids just because they got 70 plus on a test when they normally get 80 or 90 is INSANE.
Please be understanding to your children. There are many many many reasons why people don't do as well in a test. Ie, freaking out, really difficult etc. Doesn't mean they're stupid or lazy or whatever negative aspect you assume them to be!
Sigh. I am so so tired. Not looking forward to the end of this month or the end of november.......
(If it is your birthday, I sincerly apologise, I meant school-wise)
BUT I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO DECEMBER!! I am going to pool all my remaining measely savings and give myself a holiday. I deserve it! After all. :)
Let's see. Where to go! :D