Finally, a half of the day to catch my breath from the craziness that surrounds me.
I haven't been doing any of my tutorials or seminars the past week. That really says a lot. There's just so much to do and so little time, especially when I insist I need to have 8hours of sleep and I have to attend my clique's birthday parties. Not even including the number of tuitions I have.
Well recently I've been seeing quite a few break-ups and I must say that they are definitely painful to a certain extent, for everyone. It's like an investment you put in effort to, that reaped sub-par returns.
There are some people who insist that once it's over, it's over forever. Meaning, they will never get back together. Which I think is reasonable. It must've taken you a lot of thought to decide that you'd want to break up. The problems must've been escalating to such a point that you can't take it anymore. So whenever you think of it that way, you mustn't be swayed by the short term benefits, and remember your decision and stick to it.
There are some who refuse to talk to their ex-es forever. This I don't understand. Why? You two know each other so well and yet you want to end this friendship? I think that just says that he/she is a coward, afraid that he/she will have feelings for the other person again. The only way to know that you've truly gotten over someone is if you can look at the person in the eye and be truly happy that he/she has found someone new. That you don't feel that pain/longing when you hear his/her name or when you look at him/her.
No point getting into another serious relationship almost immediately after breaking up because that will just make you confused.
No point spiting the other party just to show that "you've moved on". That's RIDICULOUS. It just harms yourself and the other person even more. Grow up, be more mature and don't ever play the spite game.
Recently, I've begun to take a fresh perspective on relationships. And that is on "fairness". Whatever you do, the other person should be allowed to do it as well. Call me WOLS or whatever la, but I'm trying to adapt to that mindset. I think it's really good. That means changing and barricading more emotions but I think it's for the better.
Freaking starving right now. Going to get food.
Hope everyone reading this doesn't get emo, but rather provoked to make your relationship better.