Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Golf experience!

Detest is a good word.

Today I got my old bolster back, mother happy because the new bolster was hard and uncomfy. Hahah.

Met Don at bugis for itacho sushi lunch (the scallops are sooooooo good!!) and we FINALLY went to play golf!!!! FINALLY. Even though it was my first time I think it was not bad already. I managed to get a few perfect swings. A few la. It's so addictive we're going to play again next thurs! Luckily the driving range wasn't very crowded. Hahah. But there were many pros there.

I took a few pictures, don't know if i should post them up here. The golf pose is a little unflattering, you have to stick your butt out a little. I think guys playing golf look much better than girls. HAHA.

After that we went for fish and chips dinner somewhere at Tanjong Katong and then went hooome.

I think I am going to be aching tomorrow but exercise is better than no exercise.

I hope I can swim tomorrow too.