Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gerald to Tasmania!

Today us churchies had a final farewell dinner for gerald. The picture above was taken on saturday at timbre and we are missing brenda, carmelita and andrew in the pic -.- picture taken from angie's cam! my battery was dying.

Anyway. The group of us have stuck together since secondary three, and they're the closest people to me... literally. We all live near each other!

In fact, they're the only clique of friends I have that all live near me!

Hope Gerald comes back within 4 years. Our clique's not going to be the same without him. 4 years.. all of us would have changed. Started working or furthering our studies.

4 years.. I'd be 26. You know how much things can change in that span of time?! I could get married and even have a kid! Hahah.

Wish you all the best studying law in tasmania gerald! And we will miss you super super much hope you miss us too :D