Hello! I played around with the new blogger layout thing and created this. Simple right? I like it.
Inspired to blog more too.
Anyway today I mustered enough courage to open a blog url that ruined things between J and I in december and saw many pictures of the two of them together again! Good for them!
But it's funny how J doesn't look very happy in the pictures. But of course, if new pictures on the blog were to surface of him looking very happy then that's a little obvious so be discreet and smart ya?
For my friends who care so so much about me and were with me through the entire ordeal. I thank you guys so so so much!!
I am much stronger now and I will never ever not listen to your advice again.
Please show me this blog entry if I ever go against it. Haha! I am pretty much over it and I really am laughing at my stupidity.
I wish the whole thing never happened!
In fact, here's two pictures to prove that I'm fine. Took them in January.
That's the end of J.
No I do not miss him.
No I do not wish we continued.
Let me know if you guys are liking the new layout! :)