I'm sure most of you would have heard about the earthquakes and tsunami in various parts of northern and north-eastern Japan.
When I heard about it, I went oh crap, then after a few more minutes of realization, freaked out because my brother works IN Japan.
Tried g-talking him and msning him (he was online but busy) and he didn't reply but I decided to keep calm. Thankfully, 10 mins later he replied and said he was cleaning his room. -.- Anti-climatic.
Luckily Hiroshima isn't affected by it.
Next I contacted my friends in Nagoya who replied hours later that they felt the tremors but they were fine, but they told me that Tokyo and Akita was more affected areas (I have friends there too). Tried to contact them but they haven't replied. Think they lost signal or something. Gosh.
Another thing is that my mother wanted to head up to Japan in MARCH. She kept bugging me to skip school and head there with her. So school was a blessing in disguise.
The purpose of this is just to remind everyone that, no matter what little thing annoys you or angers you, take it with a pinch of salt.
Family and friends are more important. Treasure time with them. You don't know when they will leave this world.
I know it's been repeated many times but there is a certain seriousness in this. My mum nags at me all the time and I get annoyed but let's all tolerate that okay? It's her way of showing concern.
In times of disaster, it doesn't matter if you have a first class honours or nothing, you fight to survive anyway. I think we should all take up some survival classes or something. I think I seriously won't survive in a jungle -.-
Great I ended my blog post with some randomness. AGAIN.
Take care everyone :)