Sunday, March 6, 2011


If you guys have been following my twitter.. I'm taking part in a singing competition on Wednesday, in a duet act.

Needless to say, I'm nervous, freaked out and am not ready for humiliation.

Why did I even sign up in the first place URghrhgurhgsdifj,

I have no stage presence, get crazy stage frights andddd my voice switches into retarded mode and I can't reach notes I can usually reach, suddenly become sharp or flat. Heart pounding, fingers icy cold, legs shivering, you get the drift.

And I am up against people who have been performing quite often!

Though I am the only girl in the competition, please please I just hope I don't screw up.

Right now it's pretty shitty because we haven't had much rehearsals on the song.

I actually feel like dropping out. Seriously.

Good night.