Claire's Flair is an award winning lifestyle blog featuring beauty tips, event indulgences, travel secrets and food for the soul.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
2 weeks to exams, 3 to Europe.
I like this hat but it's $44 I have no idea why it's so expensive when you can get the same one in Thailand.
Bought eyeshadow (2 shades of green), 2 lipsticks (1 coral red, one darker red), 1 green eyeliner (to match the green eyeshadow) for myself yesterday!
Also bought a pair of Timberland flats in mustard yellow! I really don't like yellow yellow but the mustard yellow looks good on my skin.
Collected my contact lenses that I won from NBS Voice! Found out that my degrees increased. Getting a lazy eye already. I think it's because I always turn right to teach tuition. Hmm.
Decided to get a few items from gmarket! A blazer/jacket, a top, liquid leggings, leggings with black hearts and this orange bag that is quite expensive but I know I will regret it if I don't get it.
As Jordie says, "Money can earn back eventually anyway." HAHA.
Now I just need to find some motivation to start studying?