

12:52 AM claire 0 Comments

Hello everyone! If anyone still reads this. I am back from Europe and will blog about my adventures! I really miss chicken rice and bak kut teh.

We were still on the plane. The speaker announcement said, "The weather in Singapore now is, 31 degrees." And the 3 of us let out an audible groan. From a climate of 6-18 degrees to DOUBLE that amount. Bleh.

But I am glad to be back! One month is just perfect to travel to these places. If I could recommend an itinerary I would say, don't cram too many countries in a trip. Of course it'll be wonderful to see everything but you don't experience the essence of each place. Rushing around just to see the major sights is not the same as chillin at a cafe watching buskers and children playing.

Friends said I lost weight though. Not sure if I did but my friends always seem to say that I look like I've lost weight. Oh well. Excuse to eat more chocolate.

Wow there's so much I would like to write about but I don't know where to start! Perhaps chronologically. Will start from Rome then.

In the meantime, will have to upload those 2,800 pictures I took on my digital cam. And I barely took pictures of London because I was lazy! Haha.

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