Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 in a Nutshell.

It's the end of the year! I shall summarize my year... because it's easier to look back on the past and see how much events have changed me :D


Preparing for a new 2011! Had school but it was pretty slack.Wanted to take a singing module (which also meant I would have overloaded an extra elective) but due to complications, I couldn't! Super glad I took Basic Japanese instead so now I have super bare minimum conversational Japanese. Haha.


Still slacking. I wanted to take it easy since it was my final semester. Haha. My grades eventually reflected the amount of effort I put in zzz.

Sudden surge of projects, hell week's usual toil, meeting up at Raffles City Shopping Centre Starbucks to do projects, looking forward to my graduation trip! My first duet performance!

Studying and cramming for exams!


End of exams in university!! Went to Italy, Paris, Amsterdam. Had the best pasta I've ever tasted, the cheapest wine, the coldest I've ever felt (imagine top of Eiffiel in just a top, leggings, shoes and ONE jacket), found my favourite place in the world, had some creamy vanilla ice cream for like 70 eurocents, sat on a gondola, owned my first Chanel, Disneyland Paris for 2 days, SO MANY FIRSTS! :)


Still continuing my holiday! Went to London, Windsor and Bath. Fell in love with Four Season's Duck Rice. Shopped like crazy, walked a hell lot, watched Love Never Dies, Les Miserables, made new friends!


Attended more blogger events since I finally had more time, put up more pictures on my blog entries, because that's what people like to see right? Haha. Convocation, official graduation day! Woohoo!

Started part time work to support my incessant spending habits. Also went to Japan!! On a sponsored trip as a Tohoku Ambassador!! Had the best, pampered treatment there, went to onsens, had lots of sashimi, ate some sea urchin egg miso soup which was SO GOOD. Visited the site where the Tsunami struck and volunteered there for a few hours!


Headed to London for a few days before that and fell in love with red velvet cupcakes. Attended family reunion in Germany! Was so interesting living in home stays, have super cute cousins, drank beer for almost every meal. I still haven't finished uploading all the pictures yet. Legoland in Windsor! Natsumatsuri!


Had a German birthday! Spent it in Berlin, and SAW BRUNO MARS. I kid you not. Photos don't do him justice and mine came out really blur but I have proof okay. First time being chat up on the plane hohoho.


Had a month to do whatever I wanted so.. of course I went all out! AFA, Elizabeth Arden, so much fun! Convocation ball, where people dress up and take a million pics. Attended my first flashmob! Haagen Dazs rooftop lightup! Singapore Radio Awards! Permed my hair!


First Zoukout thanks to HTC! Witnessed the eclipse. Cosycot bash where Cheryl and I squealed over 6 packs. Yum. Officially started work, found new bff (where have you been all my life?!), went to Mink and Filter.

Since I've had SUCH an eventful year, you'd think that my expectations for the coming year would be high too? I've never travelled so much in such a short time, and flights are really terrible/uncomfortable.

2012 promises LESS travelling but that doesn't mean NO travelling! Perhaps I'll check out Australia with Shu, maybe Shanghai too, but I am also keen on heading to Japan to visit my brother in Hiroshima, head to Kyoto, Hokkaido maybe? Who knows?? Maybe a weekend trip to Bali?

One thing's for certain though, I'll definitely keep on blogging. Hope it will be regular, will try to balance work and blog life and I'll do my best! :)

** To read all about my exciting year, click on the links on the right sidebar!

Happy New Year everyone!! Thank you all for making my year colourful and vibrant!! Love you lots!

(Taken with the Samsung Note)
