Remember I blogged about Nuffnang and what I hoped for them to be in future? The event was held at Swisshotel, in a private dining room! Image heavy, lots of pretty girls (and cute guys) for you to look at! I will let the pictures do the talking :)
Val looks like she's going to smack my chest after this. No she didn't do it.
With Shine, my date for the evening ;)
My awesome table mates! With 3 missing.
The full table! With everyone except Noah.
Bea and Ming!
Noah proposed to Peishi as Linn was singing 'I think I wanna marry you" hahaha it was so funny! Peishi was so embarrassed. Noah knelt down and all too!!
I really love this dress, got it from one of the shops at Far East Plaza
for.. more than a hundred bucks. Let's just keep it that way. Scouted
for the gold heels just a day before this event!! :) They are really
comfy! Thanks Mint and Peishi for the recommendations!
Yutakis! Whose bow tie was a great accessory IMHO!
Yina in a super stylish dress. Love it!
Qiuting :) Ever super friendly and nice!
Brad, also known as ladyironchef, in a dapper blazer+pants!
The lady who went back to work on Sunday just to prepare for this event!! Jayne! Very hardworking and cheerful!! :)
Boss Ming! Credits to Nuffnang are credits to him! Truly respectable! I want to be a successful entrepreneur like him too :) What an inspiration! #likeafangirl
A photo with the princess of blogging herself! Honored :)
Pegs!! She's super pretty!! And friendly too!
Another photo because we look good here. Apart from the camera. Haha.
Ever elegant and classy Val!
Pretty Bea!! :)
So many pretty girls there right!! I know.
Clara!! I think her complexion is super good and I like her hair. I think I will dye and curl it the same way in future :X She's so nice la!!
Cute boys for you girls reading here!
Noah! Finally a picture here. Haha.
Peggy! We took quite a few cam whoring shots together :X I like!
With talented Linn and shiny Shine!
My loves all in one pic! :D
Tired of smiling!
**Photo credits to Nuffnang and my camera! Check out their albums here and here