Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sentosa's ClimbMax!

First of all, I have to say that I have a fear of heights.
Even THINKING about being in a high up place looking down, or thinking of being in a glass elevator where the floor is glass too, causes my palms to sweat .See, I'm being completely honest in my blog haha!

So when I found out we were going to ClimbMax, I froze. I didn't know what it was about but it sounded like it was above ground and I didn't like it one bit.

I knew that somehow I should overcome this fear, a few years ago I sat on the Jewel Cable Car ride for a MEAL, I was so scared I clutched the sides for my dear life. If the cable car ever STOPPED or something, and I had to be lowered with a rope (my palms have now become sweaty. TMI?) 

Walking up the slope just to get to Climbmax is enough exercise already.
Luckily we get to take the buggy down later.
This buggy thing gave me a thrill. There were seatbelts but no one used them, and we were going downhill , sharp turns at 20km/h without any protection! Fun stuff.
Before we actually did the Climbmax though, we had to do some activities.
Posing with a surfer dude.
Me in my sports gear. This is why I don't do sports? Lol.
In front of the 4d Max thing. I remember there was this once when a few friends and I were on a double date and decided to act as tourists in Singapore. We did touristy stuff like watch all the 4d shows and sit on the luge, tan on Sentosa etc. It was hella expensive.
Am so glad that we didn't do the Megazip because I think I might have fainted.
First aid, always important.
Okay back to ClimbMax. I looked at the heights and said no way am I taking Level 2 or Level 3 (along with the height off the ground, the obstacle courses are more difficult) and to ensure that I would be safe, while I was still on the plank getting ready, I did a sitting position and lifted my legs off the floor.

Because if you fell you have to pick yourself up and continue the rope obstacle course all the way until the end.
Lowest is level one, the one in the middle is level 2 and the highest is level 3.

I remember when I was in primary school and our school sent us for some sports camp, I had to do something similar to this, my legs shivered so much on the rope I couldn't even MOVE. The instructor had to try and calm me down and all I said was that I wanted to get down. I think he lowered me in the end. Felt really bad because I took up a lot of time though. But later on the instructor told me that he believed in me. So I wanted to be more confident in future. Yes I had really low self esteem as a kid!

Getting briefed! There is no escape once you're strapped in!
My fear stricken face. Taken with the front camera of my HP so the quality isn't as good as my digi cam's.

Okay, I didn't take any photos DURING my obstacles or AFTER because I was still a little bit traumatised. But I FINISHED IT!! *waves pom poms*

I think it really helped that one of my team mates was before me and after he finished each obstacle he would tell me the trick to stay balanced. Eg, lean your weight on this rope, grab this rope when you're here, when you cross over don't cross by the left, cross by the right or you your own rope will get tangled up etc.
It was very very reassuring. I don't think I would have managed to complete it if he didn't help me!

For me, there were two obstacles that were the scariest (the rest were scary too). One was having to JUMP from one plank to another. There was a gap in the middle. And the gap  required you to run for a bit before jumping. Then land on the other side. I was so afraid I was going to lose balance when landing.

Second one was... similar to the flying fox you have to sit on a seat and fly through the air to the other side. I saw some other team members get stuck. Meaning they went all the way to the landing point, but because the force was too strong, they actually moved BACKWARDS and they had to use their body weight to steer towards the landing area. Freaky.

I'm just glad it's over. And no I will not do it again. Lol.
*wipes off sweaty palms*

My triumphant face that I survived it. And the dodging poses of the people behind me. (Strangers)
Leaving Sentosa!
Was walking around Vivo after that and saw this restaurant. Looks interesting!

Shall try it the next time :)

Didn't take pictures during dinner because I forgot to -_- and I was so hungry hahah.
For more information about ClimbMax, check out Sentosa's website here!