I'm sure some of you might've already watched the video above, but I realised that I didn't actually share something I did last year.
I tried the technique.
At first, I tried one of my brother's shirts (he's an average sized Singaporean) but the collar portion was too small. Hence I had to take my dad's old shirts (he's a little bigger than the average sized Singaporean) and it fit perfectly!
This was so long ago that I still had shoulder length hair!
Easy peasy? If the collar is seriously impossible, the top button's width should suffice too! I think I wore the first button on mine. Make sure it's tight so it DOES NOT FALL OFF. You can wear a tube inside but I didn't. Tried jumping a few times with the shirt and it didn't fall so.. safety test passed.
Have fun! Haven't worn it ever since. Haha.