1) Like my Facebook page here
2) Share this blogpost onto your Facebook and tag Claire's Flair's page!
3) Comment here with the giveaway pack # that you want, with your facebook name and your email! Include anything extra if you want!
Winners will be contacted privately :) Oh, and you can choose more than one but you will only be awarded with one if you win! Will either mail the items to you or meet up at my convenience. Open to people living in Singapore only.
Pack #1
Fancl notepad and mild cleansing oil! The voucher has expired (just realised) so I'll replace it with a Forever 21 voucher above!
Pack #2
Pack #3
Pack #4
Pack #5
Ecopure moisture mini-pack, masks, bio-essence bb cream, face shop cleansing foam and face shop pore minimizer. Completely free!!
Pack #6
Pack #7
Earphones! I've never used them so.. I can't attest to their quality. But heck they're FREE!
Choose wisely! You can write top choice, second choice, third choice . But up to 3! :P
Happy Mother's Day!