Because it's possible!!
Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac allows your laptop/desktop to run Windows AND Mac applications side by side on a Mac without rebooting. Some new features in Parallels Desktop 7 includes Mac OS X Lion Integration, and parallel services that work with their Parallels Mobile app and My Parallels services platform for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch devices.
Best of all, you don't compromise on speed and usability. The standard retail price of Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac is S$129.00 and a student edition is available for S$69.00. A free trial of Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac is available with in-depth information, videos and screenshots of the new features at
I can see you Windows users sulking in a corner because you want to use Mac programs too, right? Parallels also has a Parallels Desktop 7 Switch to Mac Edition™, which includes Parallels Desktop 7 plus Parallels High Speed USB transfer cable, as well as almost two hours of video tutorials that make it easy to learn how to use your new Mac. Find out more here!
Now you can have the best of both worlds ;)
Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac!
Worth $129 each! Total of $387 !!
All you have to do is
Like my facebook page HERE, share this post with your friends on Facebook (using the share button below) and leave a comment here with your name, email and why you want this!
Easy peasy? Giveaway ends on the 13th of September. Winners will be contacted by 15 September :)