Sunday, June 29, 2014

White Label Premium 100% Placenta Range Skin cream review

A while back I picked the Skin Cream from White Label's Placenta range to try. Thanks Camy! It was my first experience with a placenta-ingredient product, so I was quite eager to see if the benefits were as good as advertised.

What is Placenta?

"Placenta" is the essence of the organ that connects the life of the fetus and the mother, full of nutrients that nourishes. Placenta accelerates the speed of skin reneweal, to solve the fundamental problems of freckles,
dullness, wrinkles, and dry skin and create supple skin smooth like a newborn baby.
Not really sure how White Label gets their placenta's as human ones are usually passed out after the baby is born... but trying not to think too much about it.

WHITE LABEL Premium Placenta's Elastic White Skin Cream

It's very lightweight, suitable for all weathers and lasts about 2.5 months per bottle. I really like how the product is colourless, which makes it more visually appealing, paraben free and doesn't have a strange odour! Some cosmetic products smell terrible and I feel a little turned off applying them on my skin because my skin would smell like that too. You'd want a product that makes your boyfriend/girlfriend comment "Oooh you smell nice!" after kissing you, right?? #truestory

Recommended use: After applying toner, the product is quickly absorbed and helps your skin stay hydrated all day long. Applying this at bed-time allows you to wake up with glowy, smooth skin. The reason why there's a baby's face on the cover is because you can get baby smooth skin too!!

Retailing at $18.90, this skin cream has no additives, no added flavour and does not have mineral oil content. Hence it is suitable for people with sensitive or allergic skin. I suppose so as it was used to transfer nutrients to babies as a kid so it has to be very gentle.

White Label Premium Placenta range is now available at BHG, John Little, Guardian Health & Beauty, Nishino Pharmacy and Plaza@Cosme 100AM